Early today I observed on Twitter, "Because the House is refusing to send the articles of impeachment over to the Senate, there are questions as to whether the impeachment itself is … [Continue reading] about Has Trump Really Been Impeached?
An admixture of mindset and media
Early today I observed on Twitter, "Because the House is refusing to send the articles of impeachment over to the Senate, there are questions as to whether the impeachment itself is … [Continue reading] about Has Trump Really Been Impeached?
The elite don't even care anymore. They are flaunting their power: "Surveillance footage of the outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell at the troubled Metropolitan Correctional Center during his suicide attempt has gone missing, prosecutors … [Continue reading] about Jeffrey Epstein “Suicide Video” Disappears
The Washington Post team had a message for the country tonight after the historic House vote to impeach President Trump. Merry Impeachmas from the WaPo team! Rachael Bade, Paul Kane, Seung Min Kim, and Mike Debonis One reporter said what many … [Continue reading] about Merry Impeachmas from the Washington Post
Today the highly secretive FISA court published an order whipping James Comey for the fraud he perpetuated on the American people. The FISA Court order begins:: This order responds to reports that personnel of the FederalBureau of … [Continue reading] about FISA Court Calls out Comey’s Fraud
"Students appeared to make the White Power hand symbol during a pregame broadcast of the Army-Navy game," is the headline USA Today's Mike Brehm led with after a picture surfaced of multiple Army and Navy cadets using the OK sign. In response … [Continue reading] about Media Falsely Accuses Army and Navy Cadets of Throwing a White Power Sign