The elite don’t even care anymore. They are flaunting their power:
- “Surveillance footage of the outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell at the troubled Metropolitan Correctional Center during his suicide attempt has gone missing, prosecutors revealed Wednesday.”
- “Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold admitted nobody can find the footage of the outside of the cell the multimillionaire perv shared with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione during a hearing in White Plains District Court. Tartaglione, a former Briarcliff Manor cop, faces the death penalty for the alleged murders in a drug deal gone bad.”
Is there any evidence that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself?
Maybe Epstein wasn’t there and had already been taken somewhere else. So of course they couldn’t show the footage and had to lose it. Don’t feign surprise. These people do whatever they want and are up to no good and everyone knows it.
Is there any footage of his body being wheeled to the vehicle that would transport it to the hospital (or wherever those gurney photos were taken)?