In a pattern all too familiar, the person calling out others has her own offense Tweets. Alexi McCammond, a reporter covering the presidential race for Axios, called out Charles Barkley for a vulgar and offensive remark. Barkley apologized.
Ms. McCammond has her own history of racist tweets that she should apologize for as well.
(Update: After publication Ms. McCammond deleted her tweets.)
In one Tweet McCammond said she wanted to learn how to avoid “swollen Asian eyes.”
Now I don’t find these Tweets offensive, although they are racist and rely on racial stereotypes.
Being upset as a TA isn’t anything newsworthy, although referencing his Asian ethnicity seems problematic.
Ms. McCammond has apologized for her history of racist Tweets.
Today I was reminded of some past insensitive tweets, and I am deeply sorry to anyone I offended. I have since deleted those tweets as they do not reflect my views or who I am today.
— Alexi McCammond (@alexi) November 20, 2019