Reality as we know it can be described in two ways – hard and soft. Hard reality is physics. If you jump from a building, you’ll break your bones. These immutable laws govern airplane travel. (Have you noticed a lot of weird stuff is happening with airplanes lately?)
Soft reality is where we spend most of our lives. Our reality is socially constructed and dictated by culture. Do this, don’t do that. Nearly every risk in the modern Western world is emotional and psychological.
The Simulation can thus be understood as being of two types – hard and soft. The hard simulation is the computer we live in. (Read, “What Are the Odds We Are Living in a Computer Simulation?“)
Is Reality a Simulation, and if so, Does it Matter?
The Simulated Hypothesis reality, which is less scary than it seems, is an argument about whether the world came about via a Big Bang, from God (or gods), or whether some sufficiently advanced being created the world we live in. The hard simulation theory, also known as the Simulated Reality Hypothesis, goes like this:
A popular argument for the simulation hypothesis came from University of Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrum in 2003, when he suggested that members of an advanced civilization with enormous computing power might decide to run simulations of their ancestors. They would probably have the ability to run many, many such simulations, to the point where the vast majority of minds would actually be artificial ones within such simulations, rather than the original ancestral minds. So simple statistics suggest it is much more likely that we are among the simulated minds.
Watch: Elon Musk, Are We in a Simulation?
Discussing the Simulation draws a lot of eye rolls and sometimes even anger, which doesn’t make sense on a logical level.
God could have created the Simulation. Or some architects might have. Just as there’s room for God in the Big Bang, there’s room for God in the Simulation.
Lesser intellects dismiss the Simulation theory as nonsense. Those people aren’t to be taken seriously as they’ve never thought deeply about the issue.
Watch this video and you’ll see that dismissing the Simulation theory doesn’t show people how smart you are.
Simulated Reality
As computers grow more powerful and complex, the plausibility of simulating an entire universe grows less absurd. In fact, many now believe that our universe could be a vast computer simulation. In this video I explore the relatively new field of digital physics, the plausibility of a simulated universe, and how we may one day create our own universe.
How can you prove we live in a Simulation?
The paradox of the simulated reality hypothesis is that any sufficiently complex society capable of forming simulations would be able to hide the code from its inhabitants.
Scott Adams works around the paradox as follows:
If we are simulations, we should expect to see two additional qualities in the universe as partial confirmation:
1. We should expect that we can’t travel past the boundaries of the simulation.
2. We wouldn’t be able to observe the basic building blocks of our reality.
Sure enough, we meet both criteria.
We can’t travel beyond the edge of the universe without exceeding the speed of light, which is theoretically impossible. That’s what you would expect in a simulation. You would have some sort of rule of physics to keep the simulated people from traveling beyond the edges. Here I’m assuming the universe is expanding at the same rate as the light that is traveling in all directions, so we can never catch up to it.
The hypothetical creators of our simulation would also try to prevent us from discovering that we are not made of anything real. And sure enough, when science looks at our basic building blocks at the quantum level, all we have is probability and strangeness.
One issue with Adams’ reasoning is he may be viewing the fact that we don’t know something (how subatomic particle behave with certainty) as proof that we must therefore be in a simulation.
Of course there is nothing wrong with his reasoning, because none of us can prove we live in a Simulation, or that we don’t live in a Simulation. (Read, “How to know if you’re a real person or living in a simulation.”)
Elon Musk made similar posts as Scott Adams noting, in response to an article about Schrodinger’s cat, “To conserve computing power, a simulation would only render an object when it is observed.”
To conserve computing power, a simulation would only render an object when it is observed
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 19, 2018
When asked is someone would hear a tree fall in an empty forest, Musk explained, “A simulation probably wouldn’t spend computing power on sound.”
Yes, if there is no listener, a simulation probably wouldn’t spend computing power on sound
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 19, 2018
The soft simulation is the software we are running.
“Culture is your operating system.” – Terence McKenna
When I speak about the Simulation I’m usually referring to the “soft” one, or what the post-modernists called “socially-constructed reality,” or “narratives.”
Or what Jordan Belfort called the “bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve” your dreams.
There is a Narrative About You, and you believe it.
Maybe your parents told you the narrative, or someone in school, and you believed it.
Or you had a bad experience, and this experience became your identity rather than a data point.
There’s even a term for this – Imposter Syndrome.
Impostor syndrome (also known as impostor phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience) is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. Despite external evidence of their competence, those experiencing this phenomenon remain convinced that they are frauds, and do not deserve all they have achieved.
A person with Imposer Syndrome is running a a hardware script, and has accepted passively the beliefs of the software.
“We are all unpaid actors in some giant script that we didn’t write.” – Kanye West.
Watch, Yes, We are Living in a Simulation.
How to Break Free from the Simulation.
Your mind has been programmed by people who don’t care about you. The government which wants you to obediently die in wars. The media which doesn’t care about truth.
Or maybe your mind was programmed by people who cared about you and didn’t know any better. The parents who did their best but were clueless. The teachers who tried but never had any idea what was happening in the real world.
The first step to freedom is recognizing:
Your sense of self or “I” is a creation – or what Anil Seth calls a hallucination – of your perceptions. The sensory information coming into the brain hasn’t changed at all. All that’s changed is your brain’s best guess at the causes of that sensory information, and that changes what you consciously hear….
We don’t just passively perceive the world. We actively generate it. The world as we experience comes as much from the inside-out as from the outside-in.
You can break free from the Simulation by rewriting the scripts in your mind, by rewriting the stories you believe, by believing in yourself.
My Mindset Master Class is more than Gorilla Mindset. Gorilla Mindset was the beginning. The Power of Mindset Master Class gives you the skills and tools you need to break out.
We are in the pre-order phase.
A pre-order gets you the full course in one video, as well as an invitation to a private forum.
The full course will be in HD, with the video segmented into 18 parts, along with some worksheets and other add-ons.
- You can pre-order the course here.
- If you’d like a group call, go here.
- For a private video call, go here.
To keep learning about the Power of Mindset Master Class, go here.
THANK YOU! Awesome Truths being broadcast—both harmonically and energetically! Also want to commend you for putting out the awareness and Energy about your recent Canadian connection to your presence there. I’ll be at your next gathering in Texas as I’d like to meet you. Or, if you feel energy to connect sooner, please do so.
Peace and Protection to you!
I was to write a lot but changed my mind, I will recomend One book, just one, I could give you an list so brutal most cant follow, and I have read much, from native indians, like White Bear, Khaskara and the 7 worlds, to the Tibetanian book of the dead, witch is more or less the same as the emeral tables of Thoot.
Esoterics, an mass, most totaly bonkers and is just verbal circle jerkings.
If any, I only recomend Gurdijefs Belzebubs tales to his grandson, one of the best books explaining what it means to be objective, an master piece.
The thing is, the older the scriptures are, the more precise they get, forget the new age nonsense, and I dont even know much about that because I know they know jack shit.
The second thing is issues as Kabalistic books, another dead end, you may better read the New testament, its all in there anyway, when Jesus said the Lords house have many rooms, and if you managed to go to the other side, he would have nothing more to teach you, its right in your face, that, was what intrigued me when I was only a child.
WTF did He meant with that.
What is an angel.
Is this it all.
Nope, its just what we see, nothing else and there is an other side, the problem, is like the matrix movie, we have to penetrate an weild, and the way to do it is thru our very own mind.
I know of two ways both is based upon the same problem, how to go thru the weild.
There is an field out there, not only inside us but is also surounding erything we know as our reality.
And since we cant go thru as we speak, the only way is thru mental efforts.
I did it thru Lucid dreaming, and then you have another one called WILD, willed indiced Lucid dreaming, witch is much harder but leads you to the same place, the weild.
In LD you feel the reality as real, walls, sex, flying, etc, I have jumped from high building to other ones, like the matrix, and its real, kiss the tarmac and I can ashure you the taste is there, even the shit on the floor.
Do you understand, thats why I know our consciouensess creates reality, but the one we live in is due to our planet and everything else on it, its an collective issue as well, but the weild is there to be the field we are and have to learn thru.
But again, I will recomend one book, and never mind the things writen and whatever others say, they either know nothing, or havent tried, as I did, its real, it works, but I warn you, we are individuals, we may read something others have expirienced but our will or may not be the same, iits never the less the effect I want you to notice, the way to do it, dont get cought in what the person expirienced, the steps the person went thru I have done the same.
Its real and it works, and do notice, I dont and didnt do drugs, drugs as halisogenics are just there to break your inability to handle cracks in the real world, its not required, but it is explained thru out in the same book witch I will recomend and if you want to know more I can coment later, but try first, then talk.
The Book is, forget the rest, Carlos Castanedas The Art of Dreaming, its basically the same as the hidden Tibetian book about Dreaming, but writen in an contex sutable for us in an language we can realte to.
Have no fear, and put the pedal to the metal.
An good link to an shorten version of it, take your time, read it so many time you need to be shure, this may be the best way to an level of freedom we humans know of, and to other worlds/realitys.
The moment you are on the other side, everything changes, I the true meaning of the narrative, the Power of Words is also explained in this book, and I can ashure you, that also is real, you can create things by just say it, ask for someone to, if you want to.
Have an nice day.
Life is but a dream within a dream
William Shakespeare